Sunday, March 9, 2008

Walking the Wagon

Avery has always loved going for walks. Since we don't have a dog to walk she likes to take the wagon for a walk. She will rarely ride in it. The only time I can get her to ride in it is on the way home. So the easiest thing for us to do is walk across the street to the church parking lot and she just has a ball. She can walk the wagon all she wants without having to worry about traffic. She enjoys filling it up with rocks and pinecones that she finds on the ground. There are times that she gets frustrated though, because the wagon is a little more powerful than she is. She really likes it when I sit in the wagon and she pulls me around. Of course I have to help push with my feet, but she thinks she is so big when she takes mommy for a walk. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Hartman the wagon has been a huge success.
Finding treasures to put in my wagon.

Getting ready to go home.

1 comment:

Bec said...

How fun! We love walks! I am so thrilled that the weather has FINALLY decided to warm up here. It was like 46 degrees the other day, but I was in capris and flip flops!! :) Horray for spring!!!