Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Random Thoughts.

Just wanted to let ya know that we are still alive. I haven't had much to post about lately, you would think with the season I would have so much to say, but in all honesty much hasn't been happening. We had our ward Christmas party last Saturday. It was ok. I have decided that I must have just been overly spoiled growing up in Animas, because I have never had any holiday or activity compare to those we had in Animas growing up. They didn't even have a Santa for the kids. We did graduate from mexican food though, don't get me wrong I love the stuff, but how many different variations of enchilada's can you have. This year we had ham and turkey. The members of the ward brought all the sides and desserts. We enjoyed a nice meal, and then they showed the video "Joy to the World". The company was good and the food was great, but I guess I just need to stop comparing everything to Animas, we are just in a class of our own. The only problem with that is I want my children to enjoy the same experiences I had. Tree festivals, Christmas programs, and just plain community unity. The members here are nice enough, but it just isn't the same. My biggest fear is the only way to fix it is get more envoloved and I just don't know how I really feel about that. I apologize for my ranting, sometimes it just has to be done.

We are all doing well. We just got over some colds, the girls still have coughs. Avery keeps trying to convince me that she needs medicine. It is a lose lose situation if you ask me, they make it taste good so they will take it, but then they don't understand when you tell them they can't have the good tasting medicine. I just tell her that the bottle said I couldn't give her anymore. That seems to work until the next time she has a coughing fit and then we repeat the scenario. She is getting very excited for Christmas. I am trying to work the Savior in their more. She got upset though when I told her that we were celebrating Jesus' birthday and not hers. She wanted it to be her party and not Jesus'. Another fun thing is randomly throughout the day she will just pipe up and say "It's almost Christmas time." with the biggest smile on her face.

Emmabelle is getting so big. I can hardly believe it. She is starting to scoot around the floor more. Still not crawling fully. She just can't quite figure it out. I am still not sure how much she weighs, but I am sure it is not far from her sister. She is quite solid. She is such a good baby and I feel greatly blessed for that.

Dave is also doing well. The business is still plugging along. He has been surprisingly busy for December. We hope and pray that it continues. He is still enjoying the scouting program. Most of his older boys just moved up a class so he has a pretty young group and is having to start over on getting them to rank. He is busy trying to plan the big campouts for the summer. They were suppose to go to Geronimo, but decided that he could do all the same stuff at much less of a cost so now he has to get all that planned so he can include it in the budget for next year.

There isn't much to say about me. I have enjoyed decorating my house for the Christmas season and enjoy spending my time with the kids. I am sad that my scrapbooking class has ended. I was very productive this semester and ended up finishing Avery's first year. I will have to take some pictures of my favorite pages and post them. I had so much fun. The college has a great class and I had access to a lot of materials that I wouldn't normally have. I hope to be able to take it again next semester. We shall see.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. I don't know if I will post again before then so God Bless and enjoy.

1 comment:

tori and nelson said...

it sounds like you guys have been busy! how are you? we're moving back to safford in about 2 weeks, so we'll have to meet up sometime. hope you're doing well!