Saturday, January 17, 2009

The best Husband in the World.

Dave has been such a good husband and father lately I just wanted to let him know how much I love and appreciate all that he does for us, not that he isn't always good, but he has had to pick up quite a bit of slack lately. Tuesday night I wasn't feeling the greatest and I thought it was just due to the chili rellenos that we had for dinner. Unfortunately I woke up Wednesday morning with the flu. My stomach was cramping and I was spending a lot of time in the bathroom. Needless to say I was in no condition to take care of two children. (I really think mom's shouldn't be capable of getting sick.) So the wonderful husband that he is took over. He did all of his work, plus take care of the kids all day. He got them breakfast, dressed them, and tended to them for the day. Avery got to watch a lot of TV which she just loved. I hate to admit that we watch way to much TV, but we are slowly working on it. He took them to run his errands, and since it was Wednesday night he even took them to scouts, and from what I hear it wasn't the best night at scouts. One of the best things about it is that he did it all without complaining once. He was so wonderful about it all.

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