Thursday, January 8, 2009

Night time madness.

So I really meant to get on the computer yesterday and be all excited about the nights sleep that we had. For some reason this house isn't seeing many good nights of sleep. Emmabelle still wakes up around 4 or so for a bottle on most nights, and Avery's sleeping habit has just gotten worse. She was such a good sleeper from about 8:30 to between 6:00 and 7:00. Now for some reason she tends to wake up and come into our room, sometimes mulitple times a night. But the night before last it was a miracle. Avery was in bed by 8:45 and Emmabelle around 9:15, she had a late nap and what do you know they both slept all night. Emmabelle woke up around 7:15 and Avery slept clear til 8:00. Dave and I were exstatic. On nights like these I try to remember exactly what I did before bed so I can do it again hopeing for the same result.

Unfortunately last night was a disaster. Dave had a really busy day and we didn't get to see him at all really, just in passing. He started school and is taking a day class and a night class that happen to be on the same day. Then he also has mutual on Wednesday nights and so I usually let Avery stay up until he gets home which is usually not later than 9:00. She just hates the days that she doesn't get to play with her Dad. Not last night he was a little later and by the time he got home Avery was way beyond tired and that makes for a bad night. I didn't want to put her to bed though because she would have thrown a huge fit and woken up Emmabelle. I know who is the parent right. So needless to say neither of our children slept last night and I ended up on the couch. It was a very short lived celebration, but I am happy for the little blessing of sleep the night before. I have been trying really hard lately to see the positive. I tend to dwell on the negative and I am a little tired of that. It is hard to do, but I am going to prevail. Anyways there is my little spill on sleep habits in the Hartman household.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I feel your pain Stacie. Dalon used to be the best sleeper in the world until like 8 months ago. Ethan FINALLY just started sleeping through the night and he is 15 mo old. I thought I would die. Dalon would also come into our room multiple times in the middle of the night. My one positive was that Dalon prefers John over me any day, any time, SO that usually means when he won't go back to bed for me, John has to go sleep with him in his room on the hard floor and not me. I'm so grateful he chooses John over me. :)