To the Side
To the Tummy
To the Side
To the Tummy
I often wonder how smart I really was as a child. Avery just amazes me at how smart she really is. Avery has been in nursery now for four months and she knows when it is coming. We literally have to remove her from the chapel before the closing song is over because she knows what is next and has a complete meltdown and that involves screaming at the top of her lungs. The whole congregation is staring in our direction. It has even gotten so bad that last week we had to sit in the foyer because she started screaming as we were walking in. Dave gave her a good talking to this week so she did a little better. We were able to sit in the chapel, but we have to be careful where we sit because if we sit near her nursery leaders she gets very anxious and looks at them saying "no take you" which means don't take me. The crazy thing is once she gets there after a few minutes of crying she is perfectly fine. She loves it and has so much fun playing, and when I get to the door she says "mommy come back". That is also a phrase she says throughout the week when the subject of nursery comes up or playing comes up she gets a smile on her face and says "mommy come back", I reply by saying "yes Avery I did come back I will always come back for you".
Here are a few more pictures of the girls from the past week or so that I thought were cute. Hope you enjoy them as well.
Avery loves to hold her little sister.
She also likes to have Emmabelle sit by her.
Avery found a bandana so Dave put it on her. Poor thing it made her ears stick out even more. But she sure is cute.
Just some good smiles from Emmabelle. She is getting really good at it.
Emmabelle with her favorite rattle. And a halo compliments of her big sister. She is quite the little angel though.
So Dave and I decided or learned the hard way I should say that we will never go extensive clothes shopping as a family again. It was definately a long and challenging day. I am very surprised to say that Emmabelle was the good one. Avery was so grouchy and tired that it made things pretty difficult. All she wanted to do was go home and be in her bed. She kept telling us it was time to go home. After a full day of shopping I am sad to say that I only purchased two articles of clothing for myself. I was successful in getting Avery's shopping done, but I was pretty disapointed that I didn't achieve my full goal. Now I am bound for Tucson this next weekend to finish what I started, and Dave is staying home with the kids. But it was still nice to be able to spent some quality time with my family that I love so dearly.