Saturday, July 12, 2008

A little insight to Avery.

I have decided to once again try to cut some TV time out of my life. That is one of my biggest weaknesses. I really enjoy the background noise, but I end up sitting on the couch and watching the TV instead of just listening. Anyways I needed something to fill my time so I decided to do some updating on the blog. I thought I would focus on some of the amusing things that happen that you just can't capture on film. So it will mostly consist of the quirky little things that Avery does.

I honestly don't know what we did without Avery in our lives. She is quite the little entertainer. She has more personality and spunk than she knows what to do with really. Our biggest challenge at the moment is watching what we say. It really is amazing to hear her talk. It doesn't matter what we say or how complex it is Avery will mimic it everytime, and then repeats it multiple times for emphasis. Just yesterday she had snuck into her daddy's office to see him and when I realized she was back there I went to get her and as I walked in Dave told me that she was ok. Not a second later Avery piped in I ok, I ok, I ok. She didn't want me to take her away from her dad. Now everytime I find her in there on her daddy's lap she starts saying I ok. One upside to her being a mimic is she is starting to say the blessing on the food. We are still working on it, but there is just something about your child saying the blessing for the first time that just makes you feel good.

Another thing that Avery just loves is singing. She is constantly asking us to "Sing songs me". "Daddy" (I'm so glad when Daddy comes home), "Papa" we just substitute Papa for Daddy in the song, Wheels on The Bus, Popcorn, and The Itsy Bitsy Spider, are just a few of her favorites, but I think we sing at least a dozen or so before she is satisfied. We recently bought a small stereo and put it in her room and she loves to go in there and listen to her songs, while she is jumping on her new big girl bed. That has been another big milestone for her recently. We were able to purchase a daybed and it came with a trundle so we put that in Avery's room. She loves her new bed and does such a good job at sleeping in it. We have yet to move Emmabelle in the room with her, but the crib is unoccupied so the transition should be a little easier when the time comes.

She is also quite the little priss. There isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't come to me and say "Mommy I brokea my nail." So I have to get out the clippers and fix her broken nail. She is also in a nail polish kick. She loves to have her toes painted and just recently added her fingernails to the equation. Most of the time she also has to take a purse with her when we go out to the store or something. It usually just makes it to the car, but she won't leave the house without one.

This evening she did something out of the blue that just cracked me up. We were sitting on the couch and all the sudden she asked "Mommy go store me" I told her that we didn't really need to go to the store and then asked her why she wanted to go to the store? She replied "buy apple juice" The crazy thing is we really were out of apple juice. So we packed up and went to the store to get some apple juice.

Another thing that we have been attempting lately is some mild potty training. I am by no means in full potty training mode, but she is always telling me that she is either poopy or poopy which also mean wet. She hasn't quite got them distinguished in her head, but she does tell me when she is both wet and stinky. We bought a little potty for her and I guess you could say we have some good days, and then just days. I can't call them bad days, because I am not pushing the issue. When she wants to sit on the potty she tells me. Alot of times it is right after she has just gone in her diaper, but we go and sit on the potty and when she is done she gets rewarded accordingly. She is picking up on it though tonight in fact she told Dave she wanted to go to the potty and actually went in the potty. So hopefully in the near future we can be consistant and then I won't have to spend so much money on diapers. Diapers for two kids is out of control.

Well I am sure there are a lot of other quirky little things that I am leaving out, but it is getting rather late and my mind isn't functioning properly, not that it ever functions at 100%. I just hope you got a kick out of the little stories that really make my days brighter. I love Avery so much and am so grateful for her presence in my life. She really makes our home a happier and brighter place.

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