Thursday, May 7, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well we finally made it home around 9:30 Tuesday night (the 5th). It was a very long day of driving, 13 hours to be exact including stopping time. The girls and I are so glad to be home. Even though we had a great time with cousins and grandparents home is always good. Here are a few pictures from our trip. We stopped at the Hoover Dam on our way up to Oregon. It was a neat site to behold. I have never been to that part of the country. The girls just loved looking at all the water Avery's cousin Riley is in a preschool that a comes to his house once a week and so Avery was able to participate in that. She had a lot of fun. The teacher was so good and had so many neat things for them to do. I even got some good ideas of projects to do.The main reason we went to Oregon was for my niece Joslynn's birthday and baptism. This is the pinata that she saved until Avery could be there to do it with them. That was very sweet. Thanks Joslynn, Avery really had a good time.Emmabelle wasn't very interested in the whole pinata bit, what she wanted most was the dogs. It was that way the whole time. She would stand at the windows just looking for the dogs. They have a sliding door that goes out the back and she would sit and play with the dogs through the window. She just loved them. Quite the opposite of Avery who would scream and run every time the door opened. Due to poor weather we weren't able to go outside and play very much. It snowed while we were there and rained most the time. We did get to enjoy a little patch of sun shine though and Emmabelle just loved being outside. After a lot of tears and a whole lot of coaxing Avery finally came outside. I told her that she could just sit on the bouncy horse and I would keep the dogs away from her. Once she got out there as long as the dogs were 10ft away she had lots of fun.This is just a picture out the back of their house. They really have a pretty view.The kids before Joslynn's baptism. Riley doesn't do pictures well so he isn't in the shot.
By the end of the stay at Clint and Lynna's Avery started to warm up to the dogs, but only if there was a screen door in between them. She would get so tickled when the dogs would lick her behind the screen. She is a goofy girl.
Our return trip was by way of Salt Lake City. My dad had a friend there that he hadn't seen in about 12 yrs or so. It was really good to see how much fun they were able to have together catching up. We also were able to go to temple square and visit the conference center. It was the first time I had seen the center and it was absolutely amazing.
This is a fountain on top of the conference center. Avery and Emmabelle just loved all the waterfalls. I think that was their favorite part of the whole day. A shot of the temple from on top of the conference center. It was such a beautiful view and the weather was so nice. We went over to temple square and the girls just loved the flowers they had planted. They were so vibrant. They really enjoyed smelling them.

This was taken inside the Church History Museum. They are the bunk beds that they have replicating what it was like to travel on one of the ships to come to America.
And of course one of my most favorite parts of the visitors center, the Christus, I just love where they have it located and the scenery around it. Avery and Emmabelle were really amazed as well.

Sorry this post is so late, I started it the day after we got home and then just got busy.

1 comment:

Bec said...

What a fun trip, and great pictures! We drove through Hoover Dam (not THROUGH it, I suppose, but to and from it?) while driving home (from Tori's wedding). It's stunning, isn't it? No wonder the traffic was soooo slow!