Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Little Finger Sucker!!

Ever since Avery was born she has sucked her fingers, who knows she probably sucked them in the womb. Not only does she suck them to sleep, but she likes to suck them when she is eating, especially candy. Her newest trick is to suck them while she is sucking a sucker. I don't really understand the concept, but here is the proof.You can see the sucker stick out the side of her mouth and the shinny spots on her hands, yep that is her drool. It drives me absolutely mad. I get after her about it constantly, but that just makes her cry so what can you do?

I also wanted to post a couple more pictures that I just took a day or so ago of Avery and Emmabelle. I had just gotten finished feeding Emmabelle some rice, and I was cleaning up and when I turned around there was Avery in the chair taking her turn at feeding Emmabelle.I am not sure if the picture is big enough for you to tell, but if you can see Emmabelle's mouth it is opened about as big as it can go. Let me tell you this girl loves food. She gets so excited when I put her in the high chair, and when I move the spoon towards her mouth it just opens so big it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Here is one more picture of the event.As you can see Avery has her own spoon and bowl, she was so proud of herself.

1 comment:

echolsfamily said...

Such a cute little helper you have! She's a smartie! BTW I loved her prayer :)