Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is that Barack Obama?

So we were standing in the line at Wal-Mart today and Avery was standing in the basket looking at the magazines on the rack. I was getting ready to load my items onto the belt when she asked me a question. I wasn't sure that I heard her correctly so I had her tell me again. She looked at one of the magazines and very matter of factly said, "That's Barack Obama." I looked and sure enough on the cover of one of the magazines was a picture of Barack Obama. I had to ask her one more time just to make sure I was hearing her correctly, but she knew who he was. I even brought her home and pulled up a picture of him on the computer so that Dave could witness the discovery. I have never really been a political person, but I married into a family that is up on politics and has many political opinions or at least my husband does. Since the elections started Dave has watched many hours of Fox News and so I guess that is where Avery picked it up. I did try to explain that Barack Obama was going to be the next president of the United States, but that concept was a little to much. I just had to laugh.

1 comment:

Bec said...

That's AWESOME! What a little smarty-pants! :) Now you have to be super careful what you say around her, our she'll spout out something harmful like, "But Mom, you said she was a backstabbing witch!" haha. So it begins...