Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We spent this Thanksgiving with Dave's family. We left Safford Thursday morning and had our Thanksgiving late lunch at James and Silvia's house. All in attendance were: Clay, Mary, John, James, Silvia, Tom, Billy Tom's friend, Dave and I, Dan, Sarah, John Boxberger from Flagstaff, and the kids, Annie, McKay, Avery, Sadie, and Emmabelle. It was a very nice and relaxing day. We had lots of good turkey and a very delicious honey baked ham. We spent the evening just visiting and enjoying each others company.
Annie, McKay and Avery enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner.Dave, Mary and Clay
Avery with her Grandpa Hartman.
Mary and Annie playing, Avery playing with her Uncle Dan and Sarah.
Annie and McKay really enjoy riding their bikes, luckily they also had this tricycle so Avery was able to join in on the fun. Unfortunately her legs were to short so I got the pleasure of pushing her around. She really loved it though. It would be a great Christmas present if she could do it all by herself. We will just have to wait another year or so, until she grows a couple more inches.


Bec said...

How fun. We missed out on the ham this year (the Andersons are turkey people, it seems), and I'm jealous. Did you save some for me? ;)

Lynna said...

You can't wait . . . unfortunately, your daughter has inherited the short legs!! They will never be long enough until she's ready for a 2 wheeler!! Just get her one, and she'll figure it out . . . or not!! Love ya!!