Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Potty Training Update

I am pleased to announce that we are a one diaper baby house. Avery is successfully potty trained. She is doing so well, she rarely has an accident, and when she does have an accident she is good to stop it and finish going on the potty. That means most the time I just have to change the underware and the pants stay dry. She has very good bladder control. She stays dry all night and through her naps, and she also stays dry all through church. We have graduated from her little potty to the big potty, (it only took the incentive of M&M's). We were rewarding her for going on her little potty with M&M's, but I couldn't get her to go on the big potty so we changed the incentive. In order to get M&M's she has to go on the big potty and by golly it worked. Our last step is to get her to poop in the potty. She tells me when she has to go, but we are still putting a diaper on her to go. She just throws a huge fit. Soon she will run out of diapers and she will have no choice. It will happen eventually. It will be so nice to only have to buy diapers for one kid now. Oh just a side note, if Avery were still wearing diapers, her and Emmabelle would be in the same size. We just moved Emmabelle up to a three.


Bec said...

Stacie, you are the blogging champion! :) You've been posting up a storm. I love it! I am jealous of your date AND your potty training success. It feels like the day will never come when we are finished with diapers. Oh well, though... it keeps him baby-like for a little while, right? :) Fun, fun. Good luck with the poopin'!

LUNTS said...

Good Job Staci, I know how you feel i hate potty trainng. I have 2 d\own and 1 to go I hear boys
harder that's why i have a boy for my last one.